Beniamino Maschio Wine

Distributed by Rolivia Inc.

Beniamino Maschio Wine – Prosecco Valdobbiadene

The company was founded at the beginning of the Sixties by Benjamin Male, the custodian of that great family tradition that has linked the male name for more than three centuries to grappa. The company is technically avant-garde and is able to bottling with its own lines, both grappa and distillate, and various types of liquor. The assortment includes grape varieties (Cabernet, Chardonnay, Moscato, Pinot Grigio, Prosecco, Sauvignon, Chianti, Pinot Grappa aged), along with other niche products such as Amarone, Prosecco and Cartizze grapes (refined for about 3 months in small wild cherry barrels) and Brenté, Pinot and Prosecco grappas (aged 3 to 5 years in oak barrels). To these we add the Affinate Moscato Grappa of Barry Line. Grappas add Pinot / Chardonnay and White Manzoni, Liqueur to Blueberry, Plum and Limoncello. Dr. Alessandro Maschio, the founder’s son, as well as President of the Grappa Veneta Institute, presides today at the company’s leadership.


Balbi Soprani – Piedmont
Balbi Soprani – Dolcetto Di Diano D’alba


Prosecco is a white Italian wine with lively elegance and fruity and floral fragrances.